Monday, April 29, 2013

Ortigas CBD pollution as seen from SM Taytay

Taytay Rizal  PHL  | April 29, 2013

Second view point of MM (at Ortigas CBD) pollution for the day, this time from SM Taytay.   Earlier post for the day on MM air pollution was taken from Alta Vista Antipolo City

It looks poetic and dramatic though:

The change of camera location does not change the MM air pollution a bit



Does smoking induce flowering of mango trees or simply contribute to air pollution?

Rizal, PHL  April 29, 2013

Does smoking/smudging mango trees before flowering to induce its fruit bearing? (from E how) 

Or does it simply contribute to air pollution.  I think there too much smoking going on because of smudging of mangoes.

Does smudging really work?  Is this allowed by Clean Air Act?   No.  Under Part V111 of Section 1 of IRR of Clean Air Act.

    Visibility was poor yesterday;  near boundary of Antipolo and Teresa




Sunday, April 28, 2013

Culprits of Air Pollution; pollution seen at street level

Rizal PHL     |   April 28, 2013

These are photos of some of the offending vehicles that contribute to air pollution:


                              Jeepneys smoke belching at Manila East Road near Tower Hills

                          Tricycles spewing smoke;   are they authorized to be on highway

                                 Jeepney drivers cant be made to follow the law?

                                 Recon trucks are big offenders

                               Usok vans are great contributors

                                    Smoke trails left behind by jeepney

                                   Dark air enveloping atmosphere in front of Alta Vista

                                   Thick tricylce smoke greet bikers and Antipolo pilgrim

                 What are we going to do about this air congestion? Can we live with this safely?

Innovative ways of catching vehicles that dirty Metro Manila air

Antipolo City, PHL   |   April 28, 2013

 Tricycle ascending Manila East Road near Philec;  it is spewing white smoke (oil);   its oil rings are busted?  Just one tricycle like this can wreck havoc on the air quality.  And there are plenty!

I am not member of any advocacy or cause oriented bloggers, or group or PCIJ or trained to do investigative work.  I work on intuition and hunches.  I find it difficult to stand at street corners and take pictures of offending vehicles (emitting dirty smoke).  I wonder why. 

I found out that vehicles operate differently when:  they are stationary, there is no load, not accelerating.  They start to pollute the air or show visible signs of pollutants when:

they are in motion;

they have load (passenger or cargo)

or going uphill.

It is best therefore for authorities with measuring device to:

l.  follow vehicles in motion in motorcycles or other vehicles

2.  do roadside tests near hills or mountains.

3. or do random checking at night (hmmmm that will be opportunity for kotong)  Anyway this is last resort.

 The culprits here are the AUV and the jeepneys as their engines labor going uphills near Philec, Manila East Road

 The van is the smoke belcher going up Beverly hills

   The overloaded jeepney's engine is laboring with heavy smoke going up a curve after Beverly Hills

 The jeepney and the tricycles are the squids

 What is the tricycle doing at the highway;  is its plying the national highway now allowed by law?

 The Clean Air Act here is a big joke;   it does not exist here.

I think these pollution problem exists because of poor implementation, checking and compliance.  (PDCA)

There is a half hearted effort, will to implement this strange law that may have been forced into the lungs of congressman or cabinet secretaries. 

The absence of enforcers, and this situation does not speak well of public governance.  We have good law but maybe a bureacracy that needs kaizen.  I am sorry if this site may have offended certain quarters.  Truth hurts.

Politics and election has something to do with this issue.  While this CCA affects the health of many, this is sacrificed for the short term benefit of getting votes from some 2 million TODA members.  You could lose your income and position if you offend this voter by strictly implementing the law

Another view point of air pollution of Ortigas CBD - from Alta Vista, Antipolo City

Alta Vista, Antipolo City  |  April 28, 2013

As I biked today, I found out that there is a vantage view point of Metro Manila at Alta Vista in Antipolo City.  I ventured to find out if no pollution exists if viewed from that point -  it does.  These are what my Nikon Coolpix saw:

 The pollution band over Ortigas CBD seems to grow taller;   not to mention amount of EMF pollution
 Is this jeepney helping the cause of air quality?   I doubt?

 A telephoto shot of Ortigas CBD.  What do you see

 The millionaire mountain view houses;  are they exempt from air pollution?

Alta Vista Subdivision entrance  in Antipolo City

Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to lessen emission and improve air quality?

Rizal   |  PHL |  April 27, 2013

So far, I have written the situation on air pollution ie that it kills and that there is too much polllution in Metro Manila.  What can we as citizens contribute to lessen this deadly silent, invisible killer:

l.  Walk or bike, dont drive or ride (when you can)  I have 6 cars.  I shifted to bikes and I have three.

2.  Go for LPG or electric stoves;   no no for wood or kerosene stoves

3.  Compost leaves;   burning contribute to smoke; 

4.  It is prohibited to burn plastic or rubber;  it is toxic

5.  We report smoke belchers to Bantay Usok (via globe?   Is it operational?)

6.  We plant more trees

7.  Buy hybrid cars or EV;  if diesel go for Euro 4 compliant

8.  Patronize EV, and other clean burning mass transport

9.  Live in the provinces;  do not congest MM

Is it too much to ask for  for the sake of health and longevity of every one

How to catch smoke belchers?

Rizal, PHL    April 27, 2013

I have been trying to find out how come the skies above Manila appear rust colored while  I find it difficult to get a good picture of a smoke belcher.  At daytime, there seems to be very few smoke belchers.  Maybe they do not jam their accelerators and have engines rev up only to 2,000.

However, as I was requested to drive tonight, (I had to fetch somebody from afar and there was no driver available I discovered something  - 90% of vehicles, when their exhaust are viewed with headlights emit smoke.  Lots of them.  Especially when there is traffic and engines are idling.

As there was traffic, I could make a wild guess of the stats:

tricycles  -   all of them emit excessive smoke

jeepneys  -   all them

Some brands are smoke (usok) prone  -  Is Usok, f Usok, Mit Usok.  Ha 5.   Can you guess?

(Please comment on the correct brands or manufacturers mentioned here)

Metro Manila Air Pollution views from Eastridge

Eastridge, Angono, Rizal  PHL    | April 27, 2013

We had our PE at Eastridge (going to Thunderbird resort - casino) and I happened to observe/take picture of the worsening air pollution in MM.  Last year, the air pollution was hazy.  Now it is getting darker.  Before, only the portion up to Bicutan area is affected;  now even San Pedro and Sta Rosa are being overcome by air pollution.  Even Angono and the Laguna Lake have polluted air above.  Please see for yourself and judge  (I do not know how to edit pictures or make special effects yet. These are authentic unretouched pictures)

Is MM dying?

 The floodway, Napindan, BGC area

 Alabang area is hazy now too

  Other areas going southward are now affected too; even over the Laguna Lake

 Can pictures lie?

 Shall smoke ever leave this area?

 That is Hillsdale to the right; and Taytay yonder

 That is the church in the sky

 The forest and the pollution;  what a contrast

 That is Twin Hills subdivsion and  Loyola Retreat House to the center;  HMR warehouse to the right

This is a stunning view of MM veiled by pollution

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Most efficient vehicle on the planet? | Want to be a maple syrup smartypants? | Pink moon alert

MNN The Weekly
Are these the most efficient vehicles on the planet?
Dear friend of Mother Nature,

Are these 'the most efficient vehicles on the planet'? Introducing the "Elf" - a human & electric-powered vehicle being made right in North Carolina (as one reader noted, "Flintstones. Meet the Flintstones....") 

Other stories we're tracking this week: 

And now a word from our sponsor: What would 1 million more trees do for the Earth? UPS plans to make it happen. 

Looking forward to your visit,

The team at MNN

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